19th July 2024
Again have not done any family history for quite a long time, but my niece contacted me yesterday with updates to POULTON/POLTON and DACKOMBE Charts and I have spent sometime this morning starting updates to the relevant charts, still a lot more to add but have sdded the main addtions to POULTON/POLTON Chart 0500. Will continue with the charts that will now off of this chart in the next few weeks, Also Dackombe Chart 0500 has had information added fro Arabella DACKOMBE born in Jersey with a new Baker Chart 0402 added, again will add information for the chart now needed off of BAKER Chart 0402 in the next few weeks.

3rd July 2021
It is a long time since I added anything to this page. Since 2016 a lot of the charts have been updated. I have changed the way I have been entering information on the charts to include all the information that  can be found on any document, Census, etc as well as adding details  to the main chart. Over the last few years we have updated all the STEMP charts and over the last few weeks I have been working on the CHILTON family, this also goes back to the POWEL family and some of these have also been updated. From CHILTON Chart 0500 there are now nearly 100 charts to be found and I still have a lot more to add. Owing to the Lock Down because of Covid19 many people have been contacting me on a daily basis with more information and I have tried as much as possible to keep up with the emails I receive. However this is not always possible and I apologise to anyone that I have not replied to. Although everyone on my web site, with enough going back and forth, finally come back to myself some families are quite a way from my own so I do tend to concentrate on the families nearest to my own.

18th January 2016
This has not been added to for sometime but updates are constantly being made and at the present time my sister and I are working on the name STEMP and over the period of the last year the charts and those from it have more than doubled. As more information is put online more of the charts need updating, recently Ancestry has put on information for Northampton parishes and there are a lot of people on this web site that came from that county in particular Kettering, so in the near future we will be looking to bring these charts up to date. I hope I can update this page a little more regularly in the future, seeing it appears to be 3 and a half years since I last looked at it.

11th September 2012
I am in the process of adding charts for the Dacombe name, I have over the years tried to find a connection between the name I am mainly researching, Dackombe (with a k) and the name Dacombe without. I have in the last month been sent a large number of charts from a Denise GUEST which shows this connection. Most of he information on these charts I am told was compiled by a Frances BOSWELL , with some help from a Dorothy DACOMBE. I will not put charts on my Web Site unless in then end they come back to me, so without the connection I have never been able to compile the wealth of information I have on the Dacombe family in the form of charts. I have now started putting the charts on, I am working from the chart that connects the Dackombe name to the Dacombe one and I am at present working in the late 1900's. There are a larger number of charts to do and as I am putting the information on, I am checking what has been sent to me with information available online. This has meant that there is a lot of extra charts to do, as in the main information was not given for the female lines. I do not expect to complete this project for at least another six months. I still receive numerous emails for other lines each day and they do need attention. I deal with the simple ones immediately but others need a lot of time spent on them and time is limited I have just started working on the 0500 charts, (ie five generations back from the present time). With the information sent to me we are now go back 24 generations to the 1200's )

11th January 2012
The Dackombe Pages have been extensively updated as has added a lot of new information, baptism, marriages and deaths, Indentures for London and today 11th January 2012 they have added the electoral rolls for London. I have already added some information from this and I am in the process of adding the information for the name Dackombe in the Dackombe part of the Web Site but as there are well over 1000 entries this is going to take me sometime to complete. I have completed the first 15 years at present

25thOctober 2011
It is sometime since I have added to this page but further information has been added virtually on a daily basis as different people have contacted me, Many lines of families have been worked on, my own line of TERRY's has been revised, as has the COBB, WHEATON and POWELL lines. 

10 November 2009
A lot of information has been added since the last time I updated this page. Not many new charts but I have subscribed to see the 1911 Census, so many of the charts have this information on now and this has meant that I have found lots of additional children. Also has the details of marriages and baptisms in London. This has meant that most of the Dackombe marriages have now been found, and full details of date, church, witnesses, fathers and addresses have been added. Again with the baptism it has meant a lot more children have been added. This is ongoing and I still have a lot of new additional charts to add for the Dackombe families. I have also update the Terry and Polton families where information has become available in the London area. Also lots of other charts have been updated as people have contacted me about their families. Still working through the changes to the style of the notes but this will take several years to complete.

14 September 2009
Lots of work has been done to ONYETT, ALLPRESS, WHEATON and DACKOMBE charts, but there is still a lot to do to bring these charts up to date. Lots of other areas have been added to as people have contacted me. I have also put on information for the 1911 Census for the DACKOMBE name and this is nearly up to date. I have not looked at DACOMBE as yet.

13 February 2009
As can be seen, I have not kept this up to date, as the last time I entered anything was in September last year and the site has been added to on a daily basis since that time. Lots more information for the COBB family and the lines off of it, Chalcroft has been updated today, but so many other lines have have additional information added to them, that it is difficult to list them here and if a name has come up that you are interested in it is better to look at the relevant charts. The 1911 Census has not become available, so over time information will be added showing the additional information. This is a large job and at the present time it is quite costly, so it will be some years before all the charts that could have 1911 information on are amended.

30th September 2008
Extensive additions have been made especially to some of the WHEATON chart, the COBB Charts and the ALLPRESS family. This page has not been kept up to date for sometime, and I think around 500 Charts have been added since June. I am also updating very slowly all the Chart to give each person on each chart a Note number with any additional information for that person, before we added a new note for each thing we found and this did mean that it was becoming very confusing. It will mean the same information, such as he address will appear more than once in the notes.

6th June 2008
There have been lots of charts added over the last six months, we finished updating the WALLER charts and then moved onto the POWELL family and these have also been completed. We have been working on the COBB family and are well through it but other updates have taken over. We are doing a large update with a lot of new charts for a branch of the WHEATON family, it is very large and it going to take me several months to complete. Meantime I am trying to update any charts that people send me information for using the email address on the Home Page, I have just completed some charts for MOODY and BIDDLES, but over the last six months a lots of other charts have received the same treatment. Please keep looking and sending me information.

21st December 2007
We are at the present time updating WALLER Charts. It is some years since we looked at this area, and with the advances of finding information on the Census online, there is a lot of additions to Charts and new ones that have been added.

12th September 2007
It has been brought to our attention that we have some wrong information for Oliver DRING on DRING Chart 0810 and in effect we have the wrong marriage. I will be what we now believe to be the correct information onto the Web Pages over the next few weeks. The DRING Charts which started with DRING 0715 are therefore no longer connected to our family. There are a lot of these, I would think nearly 100 Charts are affected. I have left these on with a note to this effect as we are sure that at some time we will be able to connect all these families again.

12th September 2007
I have been working through a line of Wheaton going back to an Angel WHEATON, which at the present time has only a very small link to our WHEATON line. I have been concentrating on the various lines in England before the family went to the USA. Other than the WHEATON name this has mainly involved the name WHITTLESEY (and its variants)

24th August 2007
The charts for Lupton have been updated, many new charts have been added to the English part of the family.

22nd August 2007
I had a contact through Genes Reunited regarding the name BARNARD, from Crondall, Hampshire and Northfleet, Kent. This gave me new information and I have now updated the BARNARD charts and those off of them

15th August 2007
Over the last month charts for FEDARB, GRANGE and INGLETT have all been extensively updated through contacts from people related to these names and the by me going to the various Censuses, BMD etc and finding further information. Also new area being added to the Dackombe part of the site as new information is added to So Dackombe World War I pensions, some Australian and Canadian information and further information added for the British Telephone Directories. None of these areas have been completed.

28th July 2007
Over the last few months I have been adding lots of additional charts, mainly through email contacts. Mainly the families living in Warboys, Huntingdonshire and Ramsgate, Kent have seen the most done to them., but additions are being made to Charts all the time, so if you have been to the site before I do suggest you have a look at your chart to see if it has been updated. There is a latest revision date on the bottom of every chart.

7th June 2007
Through a contact in Canada and then subsequent research a large amount of additional information has been added for the ONYETT family.

12th February 2007
Had information about Ann Constable Danton and Stephen FASHAM, so at present I am adding Charts for this family. They do come down to a TERRY, but I do not think he is related to my line. Only just started work on these chars.

9th February 2007
I am adding a lot of new Charts for the PIDDUCK family in the Thanet area of Kent, this does involve a lot of other names which are connected to them ISAACS etc. This is a very large job and will take a long time to do, already about 50 new Charts have been added and extensive alteration have been made to the existing Charts. I have now completed all the PIDDUCK Charts we had information about, there might be more as I try and find families for the children. I still have most of the Charts to put on where PIDDUCK daughters have married, This will be ongoing.

31st Janaury 2007
New charts and information added for the name JUDGE and SANDFORD. A new contact has give me a lot of information for the name KINNER which joins to our BINGHAM's the charts have been updated. We have made another connection between the Bingham's and the KINNER's New information for the STEMP, OVERTON line has been received and I have updated the charts accordingly, quite a lot of new ones in this area, but I think there will be a lot more to add to this area over the next few weeks. I have also heard about the names HUGGINS and HARVEY. I understand that some of the information on these Chart is incorrect. I have passed to my sister to sort out as it is on her husbands line.

January 2007 Information has been added to the Dackombe part of the Chart for immigration into the US. This area has been enlarged but still a lot of work to do to complete adding the information I have.

January 2007 My sister found some entries on the Australian Archives for the name Dackombe, I have added this as a new Section on the Dackombe part of the site, I have also included the name Dacombe.

January 2007 My sister found some entries on the Australian Archives for the name Dackombe, I have added this as a new Section on the Dackombe part of the site, I have also included the name Dacombe.

January 2007 Extensive additions have been made to the Dackombe Telephone entries from 1920 to 1980. Still a lot of work to do with these. At present have put on Directories for London and he Home Counties and I am working through these but still have a long way to go. I expect that the whole country will be covered at some stage, this will mean several hundred entries to be added to each year.

January 2007 Information has been added for the Jackson family of Northfleet, and Gravesend, Kent

January 2007. Additional information has been added for my wife's Barnard connections in Northfleet, Kent

January 2007. Information has been added for the name DOREY which connects to the COBB line

Information has been added in December 2006 for the Barnard family and descendants. This line is related to my brother-in-law Dennis Wheaton. There is another line of Barnard's also from the Northfleet area of Kent which is related to my wife. At the present time we have not connected the two lines together.

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If you have comments, alterations, corrections, amendments etc. please follow the details to be found on the Home Page to contact me.